Jogging together

At first glance, running may look boring. People jog kilometre after kilometre without a goal. But if you haven't tried it yet, you're not just missing out on a lot of fun. Because endurance sports have a lot of advantages for the body. In today's article, you will learn the five most important advantages that will convince you of the benefits of this sport.

1. running clears the head

If you are stressed at work and have trouble clearing your head after work, you should try jogging. It doesn't matter if you are only on the treadmill or do the kilometres outside. Music on your ears or other people and nature can make the negative thoughts disappear and thus improve your mood and relax you.

2. sleep quality

Every tenth German suffers from severe sleep disorders. Some have already tried various remedies to be able to sleep through the night or to increase the quality of sleep alone. But unfortunately, many of them do not work. Running columnist Mike Kleiß has drastically improved his sleep by jogging. After just a few days of daily running, his sleep became deeper and of higher quality. He was able to relieve stress better and thus hardly had to deal with the nightly carousel of thoughts that sometimes kept him from sleeping.

3. oxygen flooding

For many years, there has been a prejudice that jogging is harmful to the body. The knees are supposedly put under too much strain, which leads to physical wear and tear. But the opposite has been proven. Your body is flooded with oxygen - this protects the cartilage tissue and strengthens your knees. Running also increases your bone density, which reduces the risk of osteoarthritis. It also strengthens ligaments and tendons, which is good for the body.

Jogging floods the body with oxygen

4. runners high

For everyone, the runner's high sets in at a different time: You run and suddenly you are overrun with happiness hormones. An attempt to suppress the grin is unsuccessful. For a few minutes you are the happiest person in the world. Once you have experienced this moment, you don't want to miss it again. But even outside of the runner's high, running produces a multitude of happy hormones, which leads to a general improvement in mood. Even depression can be alleviated by running.

5. reduce the risk of heart disease

The risk of developing heart disease is reduced by 50 % through jogging. That alone should be reason enough for people at risk to start running. You can achieve this with at least one hour of jogging per week. The faster you run, the harder your heart has to work. And since the heart is a muscle, the faster you run, the stronger it becomes.

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