The regeneration after the sport can significantly determine how your next training runs. We have collected tips and tricks that can improve recovery and help you celebrate better success in sports. If you don't do anything for your body after training, you may not only fail to make progress, but also risk various injuries.
Not everyone wants to spend money after every training session to get a professional massage. And that is not necessary. Meanwhile, there are already some tools on the market with which you can work your muscles and tissues directly after the workout. An example of this are the massage guns, which are available in different designs and price ranges. For amateur athletes, a simple one with few functions is sufficient.
Tools of this type support your muscular, cardiovascular and psychological regeneration. Your body relaxes and enters a state of rest, where it can recover from the strenuous workout.

In addition to a good night's sleep and a healthy diet, taking certain nutrients can also have a positive effect on the body's regeneration. For example, magnesium is good for the muscles to prevent cramps and relax the muscle. In addition, proteins can not only contribute to muscle growth, but they also help the body repair muscle proteins. Carbohydrates after exercise help replenish glycogen stores, which can be pushed to its limits during a hard workout. Antioxidants protect the body from fatigue and prevent pain and damage to the muscles. Suitable substances in this case are vitamins C & E, alpha-linoleic acid, polyphenols and carotenoids.

Heat & Cold
To promote blood circulation, you can work with heat and cold. After a hard leg workout, for example, you can take a hot bath, which relaxes the muscles, go to the sauna or take a cold shower. In general, alternating showers, where you alternate between hot and cold temperatures, are a real blessing for the body. Not only are the muscles much better supplied with blood, but the cardiovascular system is also strengthened in the long term.
Active relaxation
If you're a jogger, you should add running out to your exercise routine. This can be done by taking it easy at the end of your run. A slow pace will allow your heartbeat to normalize and your body to slowly settle down. After training, a few stretches or even light yoga sessions and your body gets the well-deserved relaxation. You will reduce the lactate concentration in your muscles and your legs will hurt less. What also counts as active relaxation is a walk. It's best to visit nature and soothe your body and mind.
Especially for endurance athletes but also for strength training creatine is very popular. It not only helps you to improve your performance, but also supports the regeneration and helps you to be fit again faster. The reason for this is, among other things, that your energy reserves can be recharged faster with the help of creatine. And a nice side effect: Through the creatine water is stored in your muscles, which leads to the fact that your muscles are visually more prominent and visible. Due to the fact that the supplement is one of the best studied in the sports world, it is completely safe. The only thing you should pay attention to when taking it is that you should take it daily and drink more water than usual.
Enough protein with prepmymeal
Mediterranean Chicken Pan
Chicken with coconut
This dish not only provides you with perfectly seasoned meat and vegetables, but also with enough protein. It contains 43 grams and is therefore perfect as a dish after a workout.
If you want to build muscles and regenerate well, you need as much protein as possible. The chicken with coconut contains 50 g of protein and is therefore made for muscle building. The 34 g of carbohydrates help at the same time to replenish the glycolic level.
Chicken with coconut
If you want to build muscles and regenerate well, you need as much protein as possible. The chicken with coconut contains 50 g of protein and is therefore made for muscle building. The 34 g of carbohydrates help at the same time to replenish the glycolic level.