Home Office

In the pandemic, the world of work changed a lot. In the beginning, companies were very reluctant to allow their employees to go to the home office. But at some point it became compulsory. However, it has not only changed our working environment, but also much more. One example: food. Before, we regularly went to the canteen with our colleagues, but now we sometimes sit at our desks to have a quick meal between Zoom meetings. 

Change to the negative

We don't take as much time to eat and don't feel like cooking something every day. Not only do we often lack the time to cook and eat healthily in an hour's lunch break, but sometimes we are also hungry. The reason for this is snacks. The fridge is only a few metres away from the workplace, which, according to the AOK, leads us to make our way to the holy grail of food again and again. 

However, this is detrimental to our diet. There is a lack of important ingredients and wholesome meals. But how can you cook every day, eat healthily and not eat too much or too little? Time-wise, this is rather difficult. That's why we recommend that you practice meal prepping by cooking healthy meals once a week. To do this, spend a few hours in the kitchen at the weekend and prepare enough meals for the whole week. This saves you a lot of time and nerves during the lunch break and allows you to give your body what it deserves.

This is what you should pay attention to

If you decide to cook in advance, make sure that you prepare wholesome meals. This means that they should not include ready-made meals such as canned ravioli, because meals of this kind often contain preservatives or flavour enhancers that are detrimental to the body.

In addition to fresh ingredients, wholesome also means that a dish contains everything important. This includes carbohydrates, healthy fats, proteins and vitamins. For carbohydrates, wholemeal pasta and rice are good choices, while proteins can be found in many different foods. For example, in lentils, meat and eggs. 

You can read about the best places to get healthy fats and vitamins in our related blog posts.

Healthy diet


If you don't feel like spending your Sunday cooking in the kitchen, you need an alternative. In addition to frozen dishes, you can also get freshly cooked dishes in our shop. Both only need to be heated for a few minutes in the pan or microwave. Due to our special shock-cooling method, no valuable ingredients are lost. Preservatives or similar are an absolute no-go for us. This ensures healthy meals during the lunch break. 

Exercise must not be missing

If we now don't even take a few steps on the way to the office, back pain or other problems are pre-programmed due to long periods of sitting and a lack of movement. To counteract this, it is worth taking a daily walk or discovering the great world of sport for yourself. If you have no idea what kind of sporting activity suits you best, you can use the Freeletics offer directly. 

We are currently working with the company that offers online sports coaching, as their fitness focus perfectly complements our healthy dishes. With the following code, you can try out the coach and workouts that match your goals with a discount of 40% (!). Do something good for your body. Give it only the best foods and move it regularly to go through life healthier.

40 % discount on the Freeletics Coach: https://www.freeletics.com/de/training/coach/get/pmm22/0/?voucher=Freeletics_prepmymeal_SummerChallenge2022&_kx=fJxyJHhnpw_U2MyNnzRwzPRo4Hv71ORgiDCZHvY5uKw%3D.NPrSam

Our recommendations

Aubergine casserole with 1000 kilocalories
Chicken with coconut

Aubergine casserole

Chicken with coconut

Chicken with coconut