Our pasta dishes

Gnocchi with vegetarian bolognese

Ingredients dish: Gnocchi (durum wheat semolina, wheat, potatoes, egg, rapeseed oil, salt, pepper, turmeric), black lentils, carrots, salt.

Ingredients Sauce: Carrots, celery, leek, red wine (non-alcoholic), carrots, celery, onions, tomato passata, salt, pepper, oregano, marjoram.

Properties: Muscle building

Rice noodles with wok vegetables

Ingredients dish: Rice noodles, wok vegetables (boletus, carrots, peppers, romanesco, snow peas, spring onions, soy sauce, chicken breast, olive oil, salt, pepper.

Sauce ingredients: Coconut milk, curry paste, shallots, ginger, lemongrass, cumin, coriander seeds, galangal, turmeric, mace, fish sauce (anchovies, oysters, salt), peanut oil, kaffir leaves, salt, pepper.

Properties: Gluten-free, Lactose-free

Spirelli with mushroom cream sauce

Ingredients dish: Pasta (durum wheat semolina, water), chicken breast, boletus, salt

Sauce ingredients: Egerlinge, herb mushrooms, vegetable stock, shallots, parsnips, celery, white wine (non-alcoholic), cream, olive oil, salt, pepper, lovage

Properties: Muscle building

Spirelli with Rataouille Vegetables

Ingredients dish: pasta (durum wheat semolina, water), chicken breast

Sauce ingredients: aubergine, courgette green, peppers, tomatoes, olive oil, thyme, salt, pepper, tomato sauce (onion, carrot, celery, tomato paste, tomato passata, salt, pepper, oregano, marjoram).

Properties: Lose weight, Lactose free

Rice noodles with Thai sauce

Ingredients dish: Rice noodles, wok vegetables (boletus, carrots, peppers, romanesco, snow peas, spring onions, soy sauce, chicken breast, olive oil, salt, pepper.

Sauce ingredients: Coconut milk, curry paste, shallots, ginger, lemongrass, cumin, coriander seeds, galangal, turmeric, mace, fish sauce (anchovies, oysters, salt), peanut oil, kaffir leaves, salt, pepper.

Properties: Gluten-free, Lactose-free

Spirelli with chickpea curry

Ingredients dish: Spirelli (durum wheat semolina, water), chickpeas, spinach leaves, olive oil, salt, pepper.

Ingredients Sauce: Vegetable stock, spinach leaves, carrots, onions, olive oil, curry, salt, pepper, limes.

Properties: muscle building, lactose free, vegan

Spirelli with beef bolognese

Ingredients dish: Spirelli (durum wheat semolina, water), ground beef, carrots, salt, pepper.

Sauce ingredients: Carrots, celery, onions, leeks, red wine (non-alcoholic), olive oil, tomato passata, salt, pepper, oregano, marjoram.

Properties: Lactose-free